


Fair and equitable owner representation on the CHS Board of Directors is a top priority. We regularly evaluate the number of Directors per region to determine whether there has been enough change in our owner base to adjust regional representation. Changes were identified based on the established protocol and CHS members approved related amendments to the CHS Bylaws at the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting. 检讨修订.


The number of Directors per region on the CHS Board of Directors is prescribed by the CHS Bylaws. 每年, we compare the number of Directors per region to our owner base to determine whether there has been enough change in our owner base to adjust that regional representation.

  • Board policy provides that if that comparison determines a region exceeds its given number of Directors by at least 0.85 for three consecutive years, the threshold is met to add a Director to that region.
  • Because the total number of CHS Directors is set at 17 per the CHS Bylaws, 如果一个地区获得一名主任, 另一个区域必须失去一名主任.


Those regular assessments have now identified the need to adjust Director numbers in two of the eight CHS regions:

  • 区域7已达到大于0的阈值.85 for three consecutive years (2020, 2021 and 2022), so is eligible to have a second Director. 第七区包括阿拉巴马州, 阿肯色州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 爱荷华州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 密苏里州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳州和田纳西州.
  • The offsetting Director position will come from Region 1 (Minnesota), 从四名董事减少到三名董事. This change would be accomplished through Director retirement.


  • CHS members approved the amendments at the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting in early December.
  • The amendments will be implemented at the 2024 CHS Annual Meeting as a second Director is elected for Region 7 and one Region 1 Director retires.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the amendments

We review 导演表示 each year and have been tracking the number of increased votes in Region 7. Since Region 7 met the three-year threshold for an additional Director, we recommended CHS Bylaws amendments to increase the number of Directors in Region 7 from one to two.

The same comparison used to show changes in the CHS owner base that triggers adding a Director in Region 7 showed decreased votes per Directors in Region 1, 使它成为抵消区域, since the total number of CHS Directors is set at 17 per the CHS Bylaws.

自2023年CHS年会上通过以来, the amendments will take effect at the 2024 CHS Annual Meeting. 当时, one Region 1 Director will be retiring per our Bylaws regarding Director age and that is the seat that will be removed in Region 1 to offset the additional seat in Region 7.

While we expect our ownership base to continue to change over time, the representation formula and protocol for making Director allocation changes moves slowly, due to the three-year requirement to trigger a change and vote allocations based in part on three years of average sales figures per owner. We will continue to monitor annually and recommend future changes as dictated by shifts in our ownership base and per the protocols we have in place.

 随着我们皇冠hga010安卓二维码的不断发展, we will consistently review our foundational governance documents, 例如我们的皇冠hga010安卓二维码章程和附则, 作为良好治理的一部分. 如果需要, the Board will recommend changes to reflect that evolution and CHS owners will decide whether to approve those recommendations. It’s impossible to predict how often those changes will be required, 而是动态的, vibrant organization needs its governance documents to keep pace with that growth.

You can share questions or comments with any of the CHS Directors and you can send your questions or comments in an email to feedback@tilar.net.




The CHS government affairs team works with the CHS Board and owners to educate and inform policymakers on issues that affect agriculture and cooperatives. The team advocates for CHS owners on current and pending legislation and regulations.
